Independent Study Branch Support

Our Independent Study program is a web-based Comprehensive Sexual Health Education curriculum instruction best used in a non-classroom setting. Our 2021 edition of High School and Middle School Independent Study curriculum is available on our LMS platform.

The 2021 edition includes 14 self-guided narrated lessons with a fillable PDF student workbook and is aligned with the California Healthy Youth Act and the National Health Education Standards.  We offer both a California program and an America’s Youth program for learners in other states.

Timeline for Independent Study

1. Order licenses on our online store

Visit our online store to create a PO and purchase licenses for all students and instructors that will need access.

2. Watch for an email from us and reply

Positive Prevention PLUS will reach out within 1-2 days after you order requesting additional information.

3. Receive branch (school) management instructions

The branch manager(s) will be the main point of contact between your school and Positive Prevention PLUS

4. Add instructors and groups to the branch

Branch managers will be responsible to manually add instructors & groups to their branch.  (Groups are optional)

5. Whitelist the branch URL and helpdesk emails

Our help desk emails and your branch URL will need to be whitelisted for the best use of our online program.

6. Add users or return the User Import sheet

The populated User Import sheet will need to be returned to us 10 days prior to your learners start date.

7. Ensure learners login and progress

Ensure all learners can login to the branch & download their student workbook.

8. Monitor learner progress

Branch managers and instructors can view learner progress in real time and export progress reports.

9. Export learner progress and completion status

Excel reports can be exported once the online course is over.

Timeline Frequently Asked Questions

1. Order on our online store

Yes.  Please follow the directions provided here to obtain a quote.  

Please use our Contact Us form for any questions that you may have.  We will get back to you within 24-48 hours.

The process depends on the responsiveness of your branch (school) manager.  Once we receive all your information we can give you a more accurate estimation of time.  Most accounts can be ready within two weeks from the date the order is placed.

2. Watch for an email from Positive Prevention PLUS

One designated person per account is required to be the branch (school) manager.  We may request the following information

  • When will your school/district start your learners on our LMS online course?
  • What are the email address(es) for your branch manager(s)?
  • Will you need to filter your branch(es) by using groups?

Branch managers are assigned in their own branch (typically one branch per school) within our LMS where they can view the courses, add instructors, run reports, update users forgotten passwords (if needed) and check in on user progress.  

If you do not know who your branch manager will be,  please provide a person at your site who can fill the role until your branch manager position can be decided.  Your school is required to have a designated branch manager for your account.  We can not move forward until a branch manager has been confirmed.

This is the only communication that will be used to implement your licenses.  Please acknowledge and reply to all emails in a timely manner.  Emails will be sent from

3. Receive branch (school) management instructions

The branch manager will receive

  • The direct  branch URL(s) for your branch(es)
  • Items that need to be whitelisted
  • Time limitations on courses
  • Instructions on how to add instructors
  • Instructions on how to add groups (adding groups is optional)
  • Instructions on how to populate the User Import Template used to upload learners
  • The User Import Template

Please review our P3 Excel User Import Information Guide.  If the User Import sheet is not filled out correctly we will request you make the corrections.

Once logged in to your branch,  you will be able to toggle between your branches and user types (admin, instructor, and learner). To change user types, hover over the label next to your name in the header, e.g. Administrator, and select a different role from the dropdown. Please explore the different functions between user types as each level provide access to different functions. Instructors will have the ability to toggle between the instructor and learner levels and students can only access the content as a learner.   Please see your branch manager instructions for more detailed information. 

Sometimes one person will be the branch manager at more than one branch.  To toggle between branches hover over the label (e.g. Administrator) next to your name in the header and scroll down to “Switch Branches”. Click on the name of branch you would like to view.

4. Add instructors and groups to the branch

Adding instructors will allow the instructors to view the course and access the instructor resources PDF’s which includes a copy of the student workbook as well.  Instructor can also view learner progress and completion status.  If the branch manager will be running all the reports there may not be a need to add all instructors to the online LMS program.  Adding instructors does use a license.  Please review the branch manager packet for additional information. 

No. Adding groups is optional.  Groups can be added to filter learners for ease of reports, viewing learner progress and completion status.  You can group them however you desire.  Typically it is done by teacher and or by class periods.  Please review the branch manger instructions more details on groups. 

If the branch manager decides to use groups than learners can be grouped as desired using column E of the User Import sheet.  Your branch can then run group reports and look at group progress.  Adding students to groups filter your users however you decide to group them.  Groups are optional and are best used for branches that have more than 100 users.

Directions on adding groups can be found here.

Click on the link to view directions on how to see group progress and run group reports for your branch.  How to Check Users Progress in a Group

5. Whitelist the branch URL and helpdesk emails

You will need to make sure that your learners can access the secure branch URL for your branch(es).  You will also need to allow our helpdesk emails to reach your learners.  A list of these emails are in the LMS management instructions that are emailed to every branch manager.

Please let us know if learners can not access or receive outside emails.  We will pass on some helpful items to share with your learners.  You can also find more information on this topic in the branch manager information packet.

6. Add users or Return the User Import sheet

The best way to add all your students is to send us the populated User Import sheet.  If you need to add just a few users, the branch manager can do that.  The instructions on how to add individual users can be found in the branch management PDF packet that was emailed to your branch manager.  Please note that if you branch has groups, you will need to return the user import sheet to us.  

The branch manager will receive the User Import Template with the LMS management instructions.  This template needs to be populated with learners exactly as described in our P3 Excel User Import Information Guide.

Please return the completed User Import sheet at least 10 days prior to your learner enrollment date.  If the User Import sheet is not filled out correctly we will request you make the corrections.

7. Ensure learners login and progress

The branch URL is given to the branch manager in the LMS management packet emailed to every branch manager. All branch managers, instructors and learners will login on your branch login page.  Your branch login page is found using your designated branch URL. 

Learners can login on their enrollment date.  The enrollment date is determined by the branch manager.  Learners have 60 days to complete their course.  The course will expire on the 60th day.

The branch URL can be posted in your Google Classroom, emailed or posted within your own LMS. 

The temporary password will be used the first time a user logins.  Please make sure all instructors and learners are aware of this temporary password.  

You can download the TalnetLMS App from iTunes or Google Play. How to Login to TalentLMS App

Settings on your apple device can prevent the course from loading.  We highly recommend using the TalentLMS app to solve this issue.  If you are not able to download the app and you see an “Incomplete” button and the course video is not loading on your apple device, try the fix noted below:

On Mac

  1. Open Safari
  2. Go to the Safari menu and select “Preferences…”
  3. Click into the Privacy tab
  4. Uncheck “Prevent cross-site tracking”
  5. Close the Preferences window and continue normally

On iOS:

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Scroll down the list of headings on the left and choose Safari
  3. Uncheck “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” (under Privacy & Security)
  4. You can now use Safari normally

No.  At this time our system is not set up to accept SSO integration. 

Students must download the pdf workbook BEFORE they use it.  Once downloaded, they can save the updates made from the downloaded workbook file on their device. If they do not download the workbook, the changes made will NOT be saved and their work will be lost. Please note that the user will need to save the workbook each time they have added to it.  It does not save automatically and is only saved to the device that was used to download it. 

8. Monitor learner progress

When the branch manager logs in they can view all the learners in the branch.  Under Reports -> Courses the course progress can be monitored.  User logins and time spent in the online course can also be monitored.

On your user Home page, Under Reports -> Courses: the course progress can be monitored by choosing the report options on the  Middle or High School course. The information shown in a report can be viewed here in the Sample Report.  

Click on the link to view directions on how to see group progress and run group reports for your branch.  How to Check Users Progress in a Group

When the instructor is logged into the branch, all learners can be viewed once the course name is clicked on. The course name is either Middle School or High School.   After clicking on reports you will see the option to “Export in Excel”.  User reports will show all the users in the branch.  The information shown in a report can be viewed here in the Sample Report.  

This Instructors Guide to Checking Progress shows how to determine where each learner is at in the course.

9. Export learner progress and completion status

When the branch manager logs in they can view all the learners in the branch.  Under Reports -> Courses the course progress can be monitored.  User logins and time spent in the online course can also be monitored.

On your user Home page, Under Reports -> Courses: the course progress can be monitored by choosing the report options on the  Middle or High School course. The information shown in a report can be viewed here in the Sample Report.  

When the instructor is logged into the branch, all learners can be viewed once the course name is clicked on. The course name is either Middle School or High School.   After clicking on reports you will see the option to “Export in Excel”.  User reports will show all the users in the branch.  The information shown in a report can be viewed here in the Sample Report.