Partners & Trainings

Dept of Ed Seal

The California Department of Education first disseminated HIV/AIDS prevention education policy, curriculum, and resources through its network of Healthy Kids Regional Centers in the late 1980s. Since 1992, California public schools have been required to teach HIV/AIDS prevention education at least once in middle school and once in high school. In 2004, the California Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Act was chaptered into California Education Codes 51930-51939. Positive Prevention PLUS has been created in response to these codes, as well as the guidelines and mandates in the following documents:

  • California Health Education Content Standards (2008)
  • Health Framework for California Public Schools (2016)
  • Putting It All Together: Guidelines and Resources for State Mandated HIV/STD Prevention Education Programs (2011) for school district administrators and board members.

The California Department of Education continues to monitor and advise on all matters related to our curriculum content in public schools. For further information visit:

In-Person Training


Positive Prevention trainers provide an in-depth overview of the curriculum.  Trainers will encourage participants to become familiar with ways to answer those difficult topics and questions while bringing the value of the curriculum to the level of the students they are teaching.  Our in-person training can be open or closed to other districts and agencies.  Let us know your needs and we will accommodate your teachers.   

Virtual Training

The mission of Cardea Services is to improve organizations’ abilities to deliver accessible, high quality, culturally proficient, and compassionate services to their clients. Cardea staff are active and highly respected participants in teen pregnancy prevention research and demonstration projects in California and nationwide. As a partner in the Positive Prevention PLUS program, Cardea provides virtual teacher training and technical assistance to school districts and agencies.