Upper Elementary Comprehensive Sexual Health Education

Teacher Support Materials 2023 Edition


Visit our Curriculum Support page if you are looking for a different edition of our curriculum. 

Our 2023 Upper Elementary curriculum support materials can be accessed by using the invitation code provided with your printed 2023 curriculum binder.  Use your invitation code to register.  Once registered you can log in to your account and access: 

  • Lesson slides that can be used to present the main talking points
  • Appendices A-D
  • Parent support materials (English & Spanish)
  • Compliance documentation
  • Spanish worksheets*

*Please note that English and Spanish workbooks can be purchased from our online store.  You may find that workbooks are less expensive than copying the worksheets individually.

To register, each teacher must have access to a 2023 Upper Elementary teacher edition curriculum binder.  The teacher binder provides the invitation code needed to register for an account.  If you do not have an invitation code and have a 2023 edition curriculum binder, please email PositivePreventionHelpDesk@gmail.com for assistance.

Register by clicking the Register Here button.  Are you already Registered? Use the Login Here button.

Need Help Logging In or Registering?

Please review our Material FAQ’s on using the invitation code to register for an account.